Bridal Fitness Plan: Guide To Losing Weight Before The Wedding

As you’re preparing for your big day, you might be feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness, especially when it comes to looking your best in that stunning wedding dress; you’re not alone.

According to a study, 62% of brides-to-be want to drop a few pounds before saying “I do” at the altar. Unfortunately, only 18% of them managed to achieve their fitness goals. (1)

That’s where a bridal fitness plan comes in handy! And the best part? You don’t have to do it alone. This post walks you through steps and tips for creating a personalised fitness plan that fits your lifestyle, timeline, and wedding vision. Read on.


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Set realistic goals

Understandably, you may feel excited and want to look your best on your special day. However, it’s important not to put loads of pressure on yourself. Crash diets and extreme workout routines, for example, might seem tempting, but they’re not suitable in the long run and can even be dangerous. Instead, focus on making small, attainable changes to your lifestyle; you can aim to lose about 0.5 to 1 kg per week by consuming a balanced and nutritious diet, exercising moderately, and staying hydrated.

If you’re struggling to lose weight through these traditional methods, you may consider undergoing a weight loss surgery. You may explore gastric sleeve options or gastric bypass, which can provide a great balance for long-term, sustained weight loss, as well as a great life quality.

Whether you consider weight loss surgery or opt for the traditional approach, setting realistic goals ensures you approach your fitness plan focusing on health and self-love.

Create a balanced workout plan

Your workout plan should include a combination of cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and flexibility work. Strive for at least 150 minutes of moderate cardio each week, like a brisk walk around the block or a fun dance class with your bridesmaids; this will increase your heart rate and help you burn serious calories.

Don’t forget about strength training too! Experts say that people who do resistance training, like lifting weights, can expect better results in reducing body fat than those who only do cardio. So, incorporate some resistance training into your routine to build lean muscle, rev up your metabolism, and get that toned, gorgeous look you’re dreaming of. (2)

Nourish your body

Crash diets have continued to stay on trend till today, thanks to influencers promoting them all over social media. Although these extreme approaches may lead to rapid weight loss for some individuals in the short term, they can have destructive effects on your metabolism. This is why the vast majority of crash diets ultimately fail, with around 80% either regaining all the weight they lost or even putting on more pounds than they initially shed. (3)

Instead of opting for a shortcut, focus on nourishing your body with a balanced diet packed with colourful fruits and veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains; these nutrient-rich foods will keep you feeling satisfied, energised, and ready to tackle all the wedding planning chaos.

And remember, it’s okay to indulge in your favourite treats every now and then; life’s too short not to enjoy a glass of wine or a bite of cake with your girls! Just aim for moderation and make healthy choices most of the time.

Get enough rest and sleep

When you’re still in the wedding planning stage, it’s easy to let sleep fall by the wayside. Between choosing the perfect dress, finalising the guest list, or dealing with family drama, you might find yourself burning the midnight oil more often than not. However, skimping on sleep can seriously sabotage your bridal fitness goals. Studies show that people who don’t get enough rest tend to have higher levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin; it means you’re more likely to crave those sugary, high-calorie treats when you’re tired. (4)

That said, even though it might feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day, prioritise those 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. This way, you’ll have way more energy to tackle your workouts and make smart food choices when you’re well-rested!

Bride focussed on fitness

Find a workout buddy

A solid support system can have a huge impact on the success of your pre-wedding weight loss goal. Studies show that people who work out with a friend are more likely to stick with their exercise routine. (5)

So, invite your bridesmaids, family, or besties to join you on your weight loss journey. You can swap healthy meal ideas, hit up a fitness class together, and keep each other accountable with regular check-ins.

There you have it—helpful tips and strategies for crafting a realistic bridal fitness plan. But remember, this isn’t just about losing weight; it’s about treating yourself with kindness, nourishing your body, and surrounding yourself with love and support. So, take a deep breath, focus on progress over perfection, and get ready to rock that wedding dress like the stunning and confident woman you are!



  1. “I Thought I Was Beyond Wedding Day Weight Loss Pressure. So why am I fixated on it?”, Source:
  2. “Strength training beats out cardio for burning fat and building muscle, new research suggests”, Source:
  3. “Crash diets may work against you – and could have permanent consequences”, Source:
  4. “Sleep Deprivation: Effects on Weight Loss and Weight Loss Maintenance”, Source:
  5. “Exercise With A Friend”, Source: